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The best quality of streaming: Sling TV vs Hulu

When we are talking about video streaming companies, one of the most important things to mention is the quality of streaming. We want the best quality for the best price, and that is why there are so many companies that offer us different types of TV-streaming available. There is always a competition between them and each company tries to show its best sides. Still, if we focus particularly on the quality of streaming, cable TV usually wins. Let us see what results we will get comparing two of the most popular streaming companies, Sling TV and Hulu.


The company provides us the ability to watch numerous latest shows using different devices such as TV, computer, mobile, and some others. Most of them are available in HD, which makes it possible to watch shows in a really good quality. It is not just about Hulu. Nearly every cable provider, such as Netflix or Amazon, will give you the same or sometimes even better quality. Still, if we want to see the real advantage of a cable TV, we have to compare it to some other sort of streaming company.

Sling TV

The most common question about Sling TV concerns the quality of the picture we see. We can surely say that it is good. Still, not so good as it is provided by cable TV. The quality is nearly close to the best Verizon Fios' HD channel with the only difference: the picture is a little softer. You can also see the reduction of the quality while making a channel-surf. Furthermore, the quality can briefly drop due to the low-speed internet connection. So if you are looking for the best one, you have to focus on those Internet providers, who offer you a high-speed connection. In this case, you can enjoy the best quality of streaming. It is worth to mention that device with a smaller screen will show you good results as well.

If you are trying to figure out who is the winner of the contest Sling TV vs Hulu, you have to consider the above-mentioned facts and then make your own choice depending on the speed of your Internet connection and the device you usually use to watch shows.

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